Principais publicações
Artigo em revista
Alexandre, Fernando. “Teoria e prática na formação inicial de professores em Portugal”. Revista Cenas Educacionais 1 2 (2018): 57-104.
Alexandre, Fernando. “The standardization of geography teachers’ practices: a journey to self-sustainability and professional identity development”. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 25 2 (2016): 166-188. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10382046.2016.1149339. 10.1080/10382046.2016.1149339
Alexandre, Fernando. “The ‘universitisation’ of geography teachers’ training in Portugal: reflecting on its results and weaknesses”. RIGEO 5 3 (2015): 293-315.
Alexandre, Fernando. “Epistemological awareness and geographical education in Portugal: the practice of newly qualified teachers”. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 18 4 (2009): 253-259. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10382040903251067.10.1080/10382040903251067
Alexandre, Fernando; Ferreira, Manuela; Miranda, Branca. “Emerging Models of Teacher Training: The Case of Portugal”. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 13 2 (2004): 184-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669580408668512. 10.1080/09669580408668512
Capítulo de livro
Alexandre, Fernando. “The ‘Universitisation’ of initial teachers’ training: discourses, actions and evaluation practices”. In Teacher Education: the Bologna Process and the Future of Teaching. Alemanha: Waxmann-Verlag, 2020.
Alexandre, Fernando. “The place of epistemological beliefs within teachers’ social representation systems: a model to explain geography teachers’ practices”. In Teachers’ Personal Epistemologies: Evolving Models for Transforming Practice, 351-384. Charlotte, NC, Estados Unidos: Information Age Publishing, 2017.
Alexandre, Fernando. “Reflectivity as discourse versus standards as practice: the case of initial teachers’ training in Portugal”. In Towards Inclusion of Citizenship Culture in Teacher Education Programmes, 65-88. Granada, Espanha: Universidade de Granada, 2006.
Alexandre, Fernando. “Teacher Training”. In Sustainable Development and Intercultural Sensitivity: New Approaches for a Better World, 61-81. Lisboa, Portugal: Universidade Aberta, 2004.