Descripton of the Research Group

In this research group, scientific research on health, culture, communication and development is articulated, from a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, global and multidimensional perspective, through different approaches and interfaces. Aiming to develop new knowledge in this area, this research group focuses on the study of various issues and problems, namely: analysis of individual, collective, organizational and environmental representations, behaviors, practices and health policies; health, identity, gender, communication and work issues related to interculturalities, migrations and intergenerationalities; promotion of mental, physical and public health, especially in intercultural contexts; adaptation and health of migrant families, children and young people; individual, family and social health and development; research and intervention processes and methodologies in terms of information, education, health and intercultural communication; promoting intercultural skills and participation, health literacy and communication.

Research Group

Responsible: Maria Natália Pereira Ramos

Ana Isabel Mateus Silva

Ana Cristina Duarte Lopes

Ana Paula dos Reis Carmona

Ana Karina Campos Moreira da Costa Santos

Elsy Alejandra de Oliveira Tavares

João José Silva Cabaço

Joaquim João Casimiro Gronita

Luís de Oliveira Nabais

Lyria Maria dos Reis

Maria da Conceição Pereira Ramos

Maria de la Salete Calvinho

Maria Emília Campos de Brito