Descripton of the Research Group

Women’s studies have asserted themselves in the academic field, both nationally and internationally. The research group has been guided by the following objectives: the historically-contextualised (re)definition of the social relations between men and women and within each of these categories; women’s education, training, work and mobility; the gender/ethnicity link questioning intracultural and intercultural differences and their relationship with both migratory movements and the construction of colonial and post-colonial systems; the building processes of identities and subjectivities and their relationship with the phenomena of resistance and/or consent in relation to hegemonic socio-cultural situations; the problematisation and re-signification of fundamental research categories and concepts.

Research Group

Responsible: Anabela Salvado Diogo

Anabela Galhardo Couto

Célia Carmen Cordeiro

Isabel Maria Nunes Ventura

Maria Teresa Valente Pinto

Teresa Maria da Conceição Joaquim